Grandpa, lovingly known by his family as "Bumpa," was a kind, compassionate, wise man. His presence brought warmth, safety, and comfort. The feeling that you were at home. Fascinated by history and cultural events, Bumpa was never without one of his massive non-fiction books--the sheer size and lack of pictures enough to intimidate his younger grandchildren. A lover of the outdoors, Bumpa reveled in taking his kids and grandkids camping, fishing, or hiking at any opportunity. He never missed a play, concert, or sports game. His hearty laughter filled a room and put a smile on any nearby person's face. He was jovial, goofy, and lighthearted,
On February 21, 2019 our beloved "Bumpa" unexpectedly passed away.
At his celebration of life service, dozens of friends and family members gathered to honor his memory, recount favorite stories, and celebrate the legacy he left behind. To bring him back to life for one more day.
It was in this moment that Augustlauding was conceived.
We wondered to ourselves...why wait? Why wait to tell a person you love how much they mean to you--what impact they've had on your life--until after they've died? Why didn't we take more initiative to tell Bumpa those things while he was still alive?
Augustlauding is our response to that question. It's our way of affirming, celebrating, and loving the people we care about before we're no longer given the opportunity to. It's our chance--and our choice--to say:
"We're not waiting. We love you today."
We hope you join us in this mission. A mission to love loudly and courageously. A mission to lift up and celebrate the lives around you. A mission that doesn't wait for "too late" when you have today.
Copyright © 2020 Augustlauding - All Rights Reserved
P: (309) 684-3096